Privacy Policy


AA CZECH GLASS.COM takes user privacy very seriously. We will protect your right to privacy.

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AA CZECH GLASS.COM will never give to a third party your informations for marketing or other commercial purposes.

An IP address is a unique number assigned to your computer when you are using your browser on the Internet. AA CZECH GLASS.COM will use IP addresses to gather standard information relating to the use of our Web site by visitors such as how many visitors there are, how frequent they  visit and the areas on the Web site that they prefer. We will only use this type of data in aggregate and not on an individual basis.

AA CZECH GLASS.COM uses the most quality online safety and encryption system (VeriSign  certificate and Thawte certificate) available on the Internet. All information exchanged between you and AA CZECH GLASS.COM is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. Your information  cannot be intercepted or read in transit.

Our site works with cookies. A cookie is a small line of text that is sent from a web server and stored with your Web browser on your hard drive to enable our systems to storage of items in your Shopping Cart. You may choose not to enable your cookies in your browser, if your browser permits, although in that case you will incur problems within the site.

We use your personal information and activity to improve our site's layout as well as content and product offering. We may also use your information to inform you of changes and new offerings.You may remove yourself from receiving such information. Please contact us via e-mail at .

AA CZECH GLASS.COM reserves the right to change this or any policy at any time.

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  6. modern crystal lighting
  7. modern crystal lighting
  8. modern crystal lighting
  9. modern crystal light
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  16. modern crystal light
  17. modern crystal light
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  24. modern crystal light
  25. modern crystal light
  26. modern crystal light
  27. modern crystal lighting
  28. modern crystal lighting
  29. modern crystal lighting
  30. modern crystal lighting
  31. modern crystal lighting

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